LUKE Store
LUKE Weekly Update
What’s happening behind-the-scenes? Read our weekly newsletter to gain insights into your company and your team!
LUKE Weekly Update
Share Your LUKE Stories Of Care
What’s happening behind-the-scenes? Read our weekly newsletter to gain insights into your company and your team!
Have you or your LUKE teammates made an impact? How have you seen our core values put into action? We’d like to share your stories to inspire others! And we’d like to recognize those who go above and beyond to help us meet our mission of providing quality care.
News & Resources
Welcome to the LUKE Employee page!
We have designed this page to give you quick access to information that you may need as a LUKE employee. We are working hard at improving communication and providing multiple ways to connect. Please log into your ADP account regularly for secure messages and to manage your employee information; make sure we have your current email and cell phone number on file; and check in once a week on this page to read our weekly newsletter. It is password protected for employees' eyes only - the current password is always posted in ADP. There are often opportunities to earn LUKE store credits posted in the newsletter plus it's fun to read about the happenings around LUKE- so make it a weekly reading habit. And check out the LUKE Company store. We have added more items since we launched...and have plans to make more additions in the coming months based on employee suggestions. While we want to make sure you hear from us, we also want to hear from you! Please share your stories of care (above) and suggestions (below) using the forms provided. Let's stay connected!
Got A Suggestion?
Email: Phone: 877.321.LUKE